Violet Evergarden is a popular anime series that tells the story of Violet, a former child soldier who is trying to find her place in the world after the war. In the second season of the series, Violet travels to the Land of the Rising Sun, where she meets a group of samurai who teach her about the samurai way.
The samurai way is a code of conduct that emphasizes honor, duty, and self-sacrifice. It is a complex and nuanced code, and it can be difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with Japanese culture. However, Violet is a quick learner, and she soon begins to understand the importance of the samurai way.
One of the most important aspects of the samurai way is honor. Samurai are expected to always act with honor, even in the face of danger or temptation. Violet learns the importance of honor when she helps a young woman who is being forced to marry a man she does not love. Violet risks her own safety to help the woman escape, and she does so because she knows it is the right thing to do.
Another important aspect of the samurai way is duty. Samurai are expected to always fulfill their duties, no matter how difficult they may be. Violet learns the importance of duty when she is asked to write a letter for a dying man. The man is a samurai, and he wants to apologize to his wife for his past mistakes. Violet knows that this is a difficult task, but she agrees to help the man because she knows it is her duty.
Finally, the samurai way emphasizes self-sacrifice. Samurai are expected to be willing to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good. Violet learns the importance of self-sacrifice when she helps to stop a group of bandits from attacking a village. The bandits are armed with guns, and Violet knows that she is in danger. However, she is willing to risk her life to protect the villagers.
Violet’s experiences in the Land of the Rising Sun help her to grow as a person. She learns the importance of honor, duty, and self-sacrifice. These lessons help her to find her place in the world, and they make her a stronger and more compassionate person.
The samurai way is a complex and nuanced code of conduct, but it is also a powerful and inspiring one. Violet Evergarden: The Samurai Way is a beautiful and moving story that explores the importance of the samurai way.